
mobile message
  • Try re-entering the ID knowing that it is case sensitive.
  • If after several re-entry attempts issue is not solved, contact to have the ID reset.
mobile app

When the app starts up and begins connecting to the sensor the heart rate in the circle will initially display “0” (zero) - this normal and should not cause any concern. But if the “0” remains on the screen for more than 45 seconds there is potentially an error.

Initiate a reconnection procedure In the Settings section:
  • Click “Remove” sensor
  • This will initiate a “Nearby Device” scan
  • If sensor is found, check for heart rate showing on home page
  • If sensor is not found or no heart rate display,
    • Turn bluetooth off and then on
    • If not fixed, repeat above procedure
  • If still not working: close and restart app, repeat above procedure
mobile app

Initiate a reconnection procedure In the Settings section:

  • Click “Remove” sensor
  • This will initiate a “Nearby Device” scan
  • If sensor is found, check for heart rate showing on home page
  • If sensor is not found or no heart rate display,
    • Turn bluetooth off and then on
    • If not fixed, repeat above procedure
  • If still not working: close and restart app, repeat above procedure
mobile app

Initiate a reconnection procedure In the Settings section:

  • Click “Remove” sensor
  • This will initiate a “Nearby Device” scan
  • If sensor is found, check for heart rate showing on home page
  • If sensor is not found or no heart rate display,
    • Turn bluetooth off and then on
    • If not fixed, repeat above procedure
  • If still not working: close and restart app, repeat above procedure
If the heart rate is still updating in the circle and the chart has not updated for two or more minutes, most likely cause is a loss of cell or network connectivity.
Check the phone’s cell and network connectivity icons on the top bar of the phone (i.e. how many bars)
mobile app

On the “Nearby Device” scan page the app does not to recognize the sensor. Some potential resolutions:

  • Ensure the chest is worn in the middle of the chest with good contact
  • chest strap
  • Try moistening the plastic electrodes on the chest strap to secure a good connection with the skin
  • strap
  • Turn bluetooth off and then on
  • Close and restart app
  • Repeat the above procedures
  • Check the sensor is connected properly
  • The phone has good network or WiFi connectivity
Close and restart app
  • Turn bluetooth off and then on
  • Ensure permissions were enabled at startup:
  • bluetooth

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