The Code4Pro Platform
The focal point of the Code4Pro platform is the end user. This might be a police officer, surgeon, athlete, etc. They wear an off-the-shelf heart rate monitor which is connected to our proprietary iOS/Android App where they can monitor their stress levels. All end user data is encrypted and securely stored in our cloud environment where proprietary AI enhances the data, user feedback, etc. Our web based portal allows admin users to monitor all end users who have provided permission. This allows them to make better staffing decisions, see trends and themes that can be addressed, and work with the end users to manage and improve their stress levels.

Stress Testing at its Best
The first to use A.I. to manage and predict stress levels, Code 4 Pro is an extremely accurate and versatile tool for stress management and mitigation.
Our unique solution:
- Objectively measures stress via heart rate variability (HRV)
- Classifies the results in terms of good (green), neutral (yellow), or bad (red)
- Predicts the direction, duration, and strength of stress using Machine Learning
- Manages and mitigates the effects of stress with A.I. large language model
A Valuable ‘Co-Pilot’
Code 4 Pro operates like a ‘co-pilot,’ helping workers understand how they respond to various stress triggers.
A body sensor collects and charts every heartbeat, offering a unique window into a worker’s HRV over time and during various incidents. Code 4 Pro establishes a baseline stress index and then predicts the individual’s stress level several minutes ahead.
Thus, the wearer is aware of their stress level before making a tough call or tackling a difficult task.

A unique window into stress
With over 50 million data captures so far, Code4Pro is collecting a wealth of data across a wide cross-section of end users including first responders. Although stress impacts everyone differently, knowing how stress affects the individual can be used to forecast how they may react in a stressful situation.
In our web based dashboard, this data can also help command staff, supervisors, etc. make informed decisions regarding their team. Code4Pro can also be used as a key component in training activities. Trainers can use our system to help address the triggers for each end user that create the most stress, arming them with techniques that help them recover more quickly.
Labeling Stressors
Combine biometric data and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) with individual labeling of stressors, incidents, triggers, interventions, calming techniques, etc. Allowing Artificial Intelligence to provide more insight into your world of personal stressors and recovery.